Custom hand lettering by Rachel Snyder

Wednesday, November 5

A little History about Invitations

Once upon a time, (just a little humor there) when a daughter was to be married, her mother would get out their finest stationary to handwrite the invitations. Since "way back when" the mail was hand delivered to Guests'. To ensure that Guests' invitations arrived with the beauty and elegance that was intended, the Wedding Invitation would be be inserted into the inner envelope. By having the outer envelope addressed and handled with dirty hands and sometimes not being protected from the weather, the inner envelope had to be perfect with each Guests name written in the most elegant way.

To this Day, Wedding Invitations are a VERY important part of your Wedding. The families wanted the invitations to reach the Guests' with class and style showing the importance of their daughter's wedding.

Today, many Brides keep it "Traditional" which is fine. Many Brides do not keep it "traditional" which is also fine. Now just about any thing goes, we have so much to choose from, so many options that if a Bride can come up with it....She can do it. The fact remains that your Wedding Invitations are ABSOLUTELY a HUGE part of your wedding. They will show your personality, excitement, class, and you will be giving everyone a "one of a kind" piece of art as a keepsake. With handwritten calligraphy, no two are exactly the same. Calligraphy is authentic, beautiful, and something that every Bride-to-Be should have done.

Remember.... Your invitation will be giving Guests their first "look see" into your SPECIAL DAY!!!!

Don't let the addressing of your invitations be an after thought, if you are able to swing it in your budget, GO FOR IT!! Your Guests will absolutely love it and you will not regret having your invitations hand addressed with beautiful handwritten calligraphy. By adding an "elegant touch" from the beginning will captivate your guests'. Making your Wedding stand out.
Don't hold back, let everyone see your personality and style in every invitation.

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